Can A Chiropractor Help With Sciatica?

Chiropractors see patients with many types of pain, and sciatica is a very common type they encounter. Many patients are aware of their condition and what causes it, but in some cases, the patient has no idea what is causing their pain. They see physician after physician with no answers, and they are left to figure out the problem on their own. Treatment may not even be an option because the patient’s physician doesn’t offer it.

You may be wondering what sciatica is, or if you even have it. Sciatica causes pain that originates in the lower back area or the buttock region. The pain it produces travels to one or both of your legs, and for many, it can be completely debilitating. In general, though, the pain varies from one patient to the next. Pain may not be regular, but intermittent instead. It may arise and disappear after a few days, or it may be constant and interfere with your ability to function properly.

A majority of patients describe sciatica the same way: a sharp, stabbing, or shooting pain. Some patients also describe it as feeling like pins and needles. This can feel like you have an electrical shock running down your leg and even into your foot. Numbness and tingling are also quite common, and they usually occur along with the sharp pains. This is a result of nerve compression, which is what makes sciatica a symptom instead of a disorder. So, sciatica is actually a symptom of a nerve compression disorder.

Treatment for sciatica is usually handled by a chiropractor, and it can be very effective. The type of treatment you undergo will mainly depend on the severity of your condition. Generally, you can expect to undergo a combination of therapies, which will be used to help provide proper treatment of the condition.

The most common treatments for sciatica sufferers are ultrasound and cold therapy, which help to reduce any inflammation of the nerve, while at the same time controlling the pain. It is often paired with a flexion/distraction technique, which helps to loosen tight musculature and mobilize tightened joints. It works by decompressing the irritated nerves and restoring proper motion. If you’re possibly suffering from crippling sciatica symptoms, talk to Dr. Scott today if you have leg pain. 208-846-8898



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